May 2, 2010

May 2, 2010: Connecting Words with my art

Over the past couple of weeks I had the privilege of listening to 5th and 6th graders from Willis School in Delaware, Ohio, recite poems they had composed after viewing my art. Based on my drawing of a long-demolished schoolhouse (with students names from the old roster imposed on the grasses,) here is an example of one poem:
                                            Field Calligraphy
                                   By the Chasing Light Writers
                               The smoke from the school's chimney
                             Welcomes moving shadows of all sizes
                                        Cutting through a field
                                        Like a box of crayons
                                Fingers have touched many times
                            Their names written in time and space
                                    Within a meadow's grasses
                                    Leaving footprints in the path
                                      As a flag waves goodbye.
It was quite an dizzying experience for me to have this remarkable word imagery created from my visual art - and by such young poets! Teacher Pam Beery deserves much applause for guiding their efforts.
This project was part of the Residency Activities for Central Ohio Symphony's "Chasing Light" with visiting Pulitzer Prize - winning composer, Joseph Schwantner. Sponsored by "Ford Made in America", his composition "Chasing Light" was inspired by a poem he wrote of day breaking at his New Hampshire mountain home.When I mentioned to Warren Hyer, manager of the symphony, that I sometimes write poetry as inspiration for my art, he invited me to provide my artwork as the subject of the students' poems.
To read more of their poems inspired by "Waiting for Gas", "Lost Arches", and "Morning Run on South Old State", "Signs of August", and "Spring Fields", see "Events" at

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